Baptism River in Tettegouche State Park MN
Alex Blondeau
Fern Among Glacial Rock
Alex Blondeau
Evening Prairie Rose
Alex Blondeau
Sunrise over Going to the Sun Mountain
Alex Blondeau
Baby Mountain Goat at Comeau Pass
Alex Blondeau
Alpine Color
Alex Blondeau
Harebell Catching the Evening Light
Alex Blondeau
Sperry Glacier Basin
Alex Blondeau
Solitude below Sperry Glacier
Alex Blondeau
Gnarled Pines
Alex Blondeau
Lake Mary Baker in Floral Park
Alex Blondeau
Gnarled Pines #1
Alex Blondeau
Tall Cinquefoil in Bloom
Alex Blondeau
Silky Aster
Alex Blondeau
Bottle Gentian
Alex Blondeau
Hoary Puccoon
Alex Blondeau
Little Bluestem at Sunset
Alex Blondeau
New England Aster
Alex Blondeau
Hoary vervain
Alex Blondeau
Prairie Onion
Alex Blondeau
Rough Blazing Star Above the Pomme de Terre
Alex Blondeau