Prairie Smoke plumes
Alex Blondeau
Purple Prairie Clover
Alex Blondeau
Wings on the Mississippi Near Rice MN
Alex Blondeau
Pasque flowers on the Seven Sisters
Alex Blondeau
Central Minnesota Aurora
Alex Blondeau
Spring Ferns
Alex Blondeau
Super Cell Over Otter Tail County
Alex Blondeau
Baptism River in Tettegouche State Park MN
Alex Blondeau
Ice Puck on Little Rock Lake
Alex Blondeau
Evening Prairie Rose
Alex Blondeau
Blanchard Dam - A Favorite Place
Alex Blondeau
A Recent Visitor
Alex Blondeau
Midnight at Shady Shore on Moose Lake Minnesota
Alex Blondeau
Pasque Flower on the Seven Sisters
Alex Blondeau
Harebell Catching the Evening Light
Alex Blondeau
Trackside Treasure
Alex Blondeau
Frozen Leaf on Lake Reno
Alex Blondeau
Sunlight on Cove Point
Alex Blondeau
Pasque Flower of the Seven Sisters
Alex Blondeau
Shattered Ice
Alex Blondeau
Unexpected Opening
Alex Blondeau
Bright Lichen
Alex Blondeau
Rough Rider
Alex Blondeau
Windflower Aptly Named
Alex Blondeau
Tall Cinquefoil in Bloom
Alex Blondeau
Silky Aster
Alex Blondeau
Bottle Gentian
Alex Blondeau
Hoary Puccoon
Alex Blondeau
Little Bluestem at Sunset
Alex Blondeau
New England Aster
Alex Blondeau
Hoary vervain
Alex Blondeau
Prairie Onion
Alex Blondeau
Prairie Dropseed Sky
Alex Blondeau
Rough Blazing Star Above the Pomme de Terre
Alex Blondeau